Rights and
We believe in upholding the inherent rights of individuals while recognising and promoting their corresponding responsibilities. We aim to foster a balanced and respectful approach to engagement and empowerment.
Protect your information
All employees of DMI Psychology are legally and ethically obliged to keep your personal and sensitive information private and secure. Sometimes, this information will need to be discussed with other employees directly involved in providing your services to make sure you get the best support. More information about our commitment to keeping your information private is found here.
Abuse and neglect statement
Our organisation is committed to ensuring that all people have the right to live their lives free from abuse, neglect and exploitation. We are committed to a zero tolerance approach. For more information on any of our practices please contact us.
Child safe commitment
Our organisation is committed to child safety. For more information please click the button below.
Feedback and your right to make a complaint
We value your feedback, compliments, complaints, ideas and suggestions. To submit feedback please contact us. You can find more information on feedback and complaints here.